A visit to the Pennsylvania elk herd
(More photos below in post!)
I recently returned from a quick visit to central Pennsylvania to see the wild elk herd. I’ve visited several times before, but this was my most successful trip in terms of seeing elk. The new Visitors’ Center, complete with planted fields to attract the elk, made it easy to see the huge, beautiful animals. I tend to like my wildlife sightings to be more, well, wild, but the elk are where they are and they apparently really like the Visitors Center.
It’s the rut season and the elk were bugeling like crazy all day and night. It was very exciting to see the bulls round up their harems and chase away the spike bulls.
If you want more information on the Pennsylvania elk herd, simply google it and you’ll find tons of information. For now, I’ll let my photos tell the story …

Bull seeing if a cow is ready for mating. (She wasn't.) (Photo by Chris Bosak, copyright, all rights reserved)
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awesome pictures chris
Awesome pictures! We are lucky to have such beautiful animals here in Pennsylvania!