BCR 110: Connecticut Bird Atlas

The Connecticut Bird Atlas will map all species found in the state during both breeding/nesting and nonbreeding/non-nesting seasons. This is different from many, though not all bird atlas projects, most of which do focus just on breeding.

Chris Elphick, Associate Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at University of Connecticut who will be talking to us about one of his next projects he is spearheading on the Connecticut Bird Atlas survey.

Starting in 2018, the CBA will be seeking the help of birdwatchers to document the distribution, abundance, and breeding activities of birds at sites throughout the entire state.  The resulting data will be used to document changes since the last comprehensive survey of the state’s birds, which happened in the early 1980s; to inform the State Wildlife Action Plan; and to determine priority areas for bird conservation and land protection.

The Connecticut Audubon Society (CAS) recently devoted it’s Connecticut State of the Birds annual summary to the upcoming Connecticut Bird Atlas.

The Connecticut Bird Atlas is a joint project of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Wildlife Division, CT DEEP; and the University of Connecticut, UCONN; with additional funding from the Connecticut Ornithological Association, COA, Great Hollow Nature Preserve and Ecological Research Center, and the support of many other partners.

Show Notes:

  • To dispel confusion, please clarify who is responsible for this important effort?
  • Where does the funding for this endeavor originate?
  • What exactly is a Breeding Bird Survey?
  • When does this Bird Survey take place?
  • How long does the survey go on?
  • How does one verify the accuracy of the data?
  • When was the last Bird Survey?
  • There must be certain uncommon species that will require special attention, can you tell us what species but not where they might be found?
  • Why is this Atlas project so vital to the health and well being of Connecticut’s avifauna?
  • To what uses, have the data from previous Breeding Bird Survey’s, been applied?
  • Who can participate? What are the minimum critical birding skills required for participants?
  • We know that the Connecticut Audubon Society CAS State of the birds report has information, how do those interested become involved? Is there a contact or website that provides further details?

Mentioned in Episode:

BCR 097: Chris Elphick, Saltmarsh Sparrows

Connecticut Bird Atlas

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