A fun BirdCallsRadio show coming up; be a part of it

Gray Catbird singing. Photo by Chris Bosak, copyright, all rights reserved

I’m looking forward to Sunday’s BirdCallsRadio show with naturalist/journalist Greg Hanisek. Like me, Greg works for a daily newspaper and knows the grind of getting out a paper every day and trying to mix in a little birdwatching time, too. It’s a tough, but rewarding, chore. Greg also writes a regular nature column for his paper, the Republican-American in Waterbury, Ct. I also know what that’s like. It will be fun to talk with Greg about a variety of subjects related to nature. Of course the focus will be on birds, but we’ll discuss a lot of other nature-related topics, too.

Greg has been birdwatching for several decades and is known as a top birder in the state of Connecticut. His interests also veer towards plants, insects, butterflies and other topics related to the natural world. It should be a great show.

Want to be a part of it? (I encourage you to do so!) Drop me a line here or “contact me” above and let me know what birds (or anything else in the natural world) you’ve been seeing that have fascinated you. I’ll share the comments on air. Or do you have a question for Greg or topic you’d like him to talk about. Send that along, too.

Or do you have a backyard birding question for Joe Warren, owner of two Wild Birds Unlimited stores? Send that, too. Thanks for being a part of BirdCallsRadio.

BirdCallsRadio airs from 1 to 2 p.m. on Sundays at 1490 WGCH in southwestern Connecticut and nearby Westchester County, N.Y., and worldwide here.

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