BirdCallsRadio: Benjamin Van Doren

Benjamin Van Doren, left, with BirdCallsRadio host Chris Bosak at the 1490WGCH studio in Greenwich, Conn., after their live show Sunday, March 4, 2012. ©Mardi Welch Dickinson/KymryGroup™ All Rights Reserved.
Here is the archive of the show featuring young birder Benjamin Van Doren. The show originally aired live on Sunday, March 4, 2012. Benjamin is a senior at White Plains High School in Westchester County, N.Y.
He has already studied and researched birds extensively and has participated in birdwatching events such as the World Series of Birding. His research on nocturnal migration and morning flight in migrating birds has earned him a finalist position for the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search award. The winner earns a $100,000 prize.
We discussed his research at length and his plans and hopes for the future as he embarks on the path toward a career in science and conservation. It is interesting to hear the thoughts of a conservation leader of tomorrow.
We also talk about Benjamin’s summer when he stayed on an island off the coast of Maine and helped with conservation efforts for species such as Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill, murres and guillemots.
Joe Warren, owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Darien (CT) and Bedford Hills (NY) talks about signs of spring and how to deal with starlings and grackles at your backyard feeders.
Click here to listen to the archive. bcr3-4-12benvandoren