BCR 127: Women Birders Big Year

Women Birders Big Year Panel at the Biggest Week in American Birding 2018. l. to r. Laura Erickson, Laura Keene, Yve Morrell, Nancy McAllister and Lynn Barber. ©Photo Courtesy by Nancy McAllister
Show Notes:
Today’s show I am reporting live at the Biggest Week in American Birding 2018 on a keynote panel about five Women Birders Big Year that took place on Wedsnesday, May 9, 2018 called Power Women In Birding: A Big Year Panel Discussion. I was given permission to record and air this Keynote on BirdCallsRadio by Kimberly Kaufman, Executive Director of Black Swamp Bird that hosts the Biggest Week In American Birding Festival 2018 and the five Panelist featuring; Lynn Barber, Laura Erickson, Laura Keene, Nancy McAllister, and Yve Morrell. Each of the panelists had a very different way and reason in doing a Big Year. Plese join us and listen in to these wonderful women birders talk about their Big Years!
Mentioned In Episode:
Biggest Week in American Birding
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