BCR 152: Donald Kroodsma, Birdsong


Donald Kroodsma has 45 years of active birdsong research as his guide, he cherish the birdsong of spring and summer more than ever. An excellent day is when Don is out in the predawn darkness, waiting for first light to deliver the dawn chorus, and returning home hours later with a wealth of recorded song for further study. A good day is listening and studying and writing about birdsong at his desk. A bad day has no birdsong in it.

Don is a life-long scientist, one who asks questions, seeking answers and increasingly deeper understandings. No longer entrenched at the University, Don is eager to share what he have learned and eager to encourage a deeper appreciation of birds and their songs by the tens of millions of others who also treasure birds.


Show Notes:

  • Your early years and when you caught the bug for birds and nature.
  • Development of your expertise in bird song.
  • The Singing Life of Birds, The Art and Science of Birdsong.
  • Groundbreaking look at birdsong.
  • The Dawn Chorus.
  • Sonagram as a window into the mind of a singing bird.
  • Programs birders can use to turn bird songs into a visual sonagram.
  • Your thinking about the new bird song id apps.
  • What were the most memorable bird songs of the trip?
  • Did you make any songbirds observations that truly surprised you?

68 Wood Thrush (Male Two) – Wood Thrush normal speed.

70 Wood Thrush WoTh flourish 8 – For wood thrush slowed down, in 3 parts”–contains one normal wood thrush song, and then the terminal flourish in 3 parts, first the left and lower voice, then the right voice box and higher voice, then the two together, slowed to 1/10th normal speed

Mentioned In This Episode:  

BCR 195: Don Kroodsma, Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist

Donald Kroodsma

NOTE: Special thanks to Don for the permission and use of his audio birdsongs of the Winter Wren, Pacific Wren, Wood Thrush and Hermit Thrush; including his sonagrams and photographs. All audio birdsongs, sonsgrams and photographs in this show are solely used for this specific BirdCallsRadio™ & Podcast show BCR 152: Donald Kroodsma, Birdsong. Courtsey of ©Donald Kroodsma, All Rights Reserved. Audio birdsongs wav sonagrams and photographs may not be used in any form without written permission. Please respect the wishes of Donald Kroodsma.

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  1. Trudy Gerlach on January 3, 2019 at 10:00 pm

    What a wonderful wonderful program…you represent the true spirit of human interest in birds.

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