BCR 189: Tricia Miller Ph.D. Golden Eagles

Dr. Trish Miller has been studying birds for over 20 years and has been tracking and studying Golden Eagles for over a decade. She has a long standing interest in bird conservation and spatial ecology. Dr. Miller works as a senior research wildlife biologist and the executive director of Conservation Science Global, Inc a non-profit that conducts research to inform management, conservation, and education of natural resources. Including where she studies movement ecology and conservation of raptors, especially eagles. Her research integrates telemetry and spatial modeling to address conflicts with human development. She received her B.S. in biology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in ecology from Penn State.

Show Notes:

  • Your interest in the ecology, behavior, natural history, and conservation of Golden Eagles come to be
  • Use of telemetry, to track Golden Eagles in eastern North America and how this technology is deployed.
  • When and why did you start studying eastern Golden Eagles?
  • This study also found reason to be concerned about lead poisoning of eagles.
  • Use of baited wildlife cameras, motion activated to located winter resident Golden Eagles and help with employing GPS data devices for tracking.
  • Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group.
  • Potential effect of wind energy on Golden Eagles.
  • First hand the negative effects of wind energy.
  • Work used to successfully steer wind energy development away from high use areas by Golden Eagles.
  • What is Conservation Science Global?
  • What other research projects do you work on?
  • Advice you have for young women who are interested in a career in the natural sciences?

Mentioned In Episode:

Consevation Science Global, Inc

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