Beautiful morning full of birds singing
The cardinal started at 5:30 a.m. and the rest of the birds were not far behind. Carolina wrens, tufted titmice, white-throated sparrows, blue jays, crows and probably a few other birds I’m missing all joined the chorus as I pondered getting out of bed this morning.
I even learned a new bird song later in the morning as I tracked down the source of an unknown noise-maker. I’ll tell you more about that during tomorrow’s show.
Speaking of tomorrow’s show, drop me a line and let me know what you’ve been seeing and hearing lately as spring migration heats up. I’ll share some comments on the show tomorrow. Click here to reach me.
Also, in case you haven’t heard yet, tomorrow’s guest will be Julie Zickefoose, wildlife

Julie Zickefoose, naturalist, writer, artist, author of "The Bluebird Effect" ©Phoebe Linnea Thompson. All Rights Reserved.
artist, naturalist, NRP commentator and author of Letters from Eden: A Year at Home, in the Woods, and The Bluebird Effect: Uncommon Bonds with Common Birds, a recent pick for Oprah Book Club “Book of the Week.” This promises to be a fun show with perhaps a few surprises. (Another book giveaway perhaps?)
Tune in Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m. for the live show at 1490 WGCH or Listen Live. The show will be repeated at 9 p.m. on Monday, and included on our archive list next week.