BirdCallsRadio: Luke Tiller

Luke Tiller ©Bob Marcot. All Right Reserved.
Here is the archive for the Sept. 3, Bird Calls radio show featuring Luke Tiller, the official hawk watcher at Audubon Greenwich’s Quaker Ridge Hawk Watching area. September 3 Bird Calls
Tiller talks about hawk watches, the Young Birders Club, birding in England (his native land) and other topics about birds. Here’s the list of links that Luke mentions on the show. Daily and historical hawkwatch data for the Americas. Home of Braddock Bay Raptor Research. Home of Quaker Ridge. See the paths of migrant birds (and plenty of other things that migrate) Hawk Migration Association of North America. Connecticut hawkwatching tips. Birding tours.
Joe Warren of Wild Birds Unlimited in Darien, Conn., and Bedford Hills, N.Y., talks about hurricanes and their impact on birds, as well as getting your backyards ready for fall birds.
Be sure to check out Bird Calls every Saturday from 3 to 4 p.m. on WSTC/WNLK AM1400/1350 (in S. CT and nearby NY) or from anywhere in the world (where there’s Internet access, that is.) Thanks for checking in.