Bird Calls Radio's Bird of the Day for Saturday, Aug. 20

yellow-rumped warbler by Chris Bosak (copyright, all rights reserved)

The Bird Calls Bird of the Day is the yellow-rumped warbler. The above photo was taken during the fall. Like many warblers and other songbirds, yellow-rumped warblers are less vibrantly colored during the fall than they are in the spring.

The above photo shows why the bird is called a yellow-rumped warbler. They also have dashes of yellow on their wings.

They are one of more plentiful warblers in New England. I’ve seen very large gatherings in the fall and have even seen them in the winter. Not many warblers are seen in New England in the winter.

They can sometimes get lost or overlooked in the spring by birdwatchers who are searching through an endless sea of warblers (if they are lucky). But their numbers in the fall make them stand apart from other warblers during that time of year.

Be sure to check out Bird Calls every Saturday from 3 to 4 p.m. on WSTC/WNLK AM1400/1350 (in S. CT and nearby NY) or from anywhere in the world (where there’s Internet access, that is.) Thanks for checking in.

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