Episode #080: Bonnie Paton Moon & Larry Morgan
Bonnie Paton Moon, Daughter of the Late Wally and Marion Paton and Larry Morgan “Ambassador For The Birds,” Stewart & Caretaker for the property of Paton’s Birder Haven; are the next special guests on BirdCallsRadio WORLDWIDE, Internet Streaming & BCR iTunes. Come join us for Part 1 of this extraordinary interview.

Birdwatchers from around the world come to enjoy watching the hummingbird feeders that Wally and Marion Paton & family put out for all to enjoy for over 30 years. Feeding stations were set out attracting hundreds of different species including rare ones like the Violet-crowned Hummingbird. (Paton’s is considered one of the most reliable spots in the U.S. to view the Violet-crowned) First Certified sighting of the Cinnamon Hummingbird was at the Paton’s in 1992. One of only 2 sightings in the U.S. at that time. Other rare birds include the Plain-capped Start Throat. Paton’s Birders Haven Photo taken by the ©Paton Family. All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Paton Family.
In 1974, Wally and Marion Paton, life-long gardeners, naturalists bird-lovers began to plant flowers and install water features on their property in Patagonia Arizona. They put up hummingbird feeders and had great success, attracting Violet-crowned Hummingbirds along with even rarer species like the Cinnamon Hummingbird and Plain-Capped Star-throat. When the couple realized birders were crowding outside their fence to get a better view, the Paton’s opened the gate and welcomed them inside. So began this conservation story of two dedicated naturalist that lives on as a testament to their vision.
Birdwatcher, Conservationist and naturalist from around the world enjoy the sites and sounds of the Paton Property forever!

Birdwatchers from around the world come to enjoy watching the hummingbird feeders that Wally and Marion Paton & family put out for all to enjoy for over 30 years. This was a photo taken inside the families home looking out at the birdwatchers each and every morning. Paton’s Birders Haven Photo taken by the ©Paton Family. All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Paton Family.
Bonnie Paton Moon is a daughter of the late Wally and Marion Paton of Paton’s Birder Haven. After her mother’s passing in 2009, Bonnie embarked on a 4 and 1/2 year odyssey, to preserve and protect her parent’s internationally renowned birding Mecca known as Paton’s Birder Haven in Patagonia, AZ. Due to the foresight of the Paton family, and the partnership of the American Bird Conservancy, Victor Emanuel Nature Tours and Tucson Audubon Society supported by over a thousand generous supporters, this little gem of birding paradise has now been saved in perpetuity. Saved not only for the birds that have come to depend on the Paton’s habitat for food and water, but also for the future generations of birders and nature enthusiast can share this delightful oasis in the desert.

Standing in front of the famous fountain that the Late Wally and Marion Paton built in April 21, 1996 at Paton’s Birders Haven. l. to r. Larry Morgan “Ambassador For The Birds,” & Caretaker for the property of Paton’s Birder Haven.”, Bonnie Paton Moon, Jackie Paton Covey, Daughters of the Late Wally and Marion Paton of Paton’s Birders Haven. Photo taken by the ©Paton Family. All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Paton Family.
Mentioned In Episode:
BCR 130: Bonnie Paton Moon, Paton’s Birders Haven Update Part 2
Click here and go to Know Your Bird Calls for our NEW Contest to win a prize starting on this show! Your answer must be in for the deadline of Monday May 19, 2014 at 12 noon! As of May 27, 2014 no one picked the correct answer. BCR will extend this contest till June 2, 2014.

Wally and Marion Paton celebrating the completion of the newly completed fountain at Paton’s Birder Haven on April 20, 1996. Photo taken by the ©Paton Family. All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the Paton Family.
We thank the American Bird Conservancy, Victor Emanuel Nature Tours, and Ann Cullen Smith whom at the young age of 105 year old and staunch conservationist, encouraged many to do the right thing and protect this jewel property called Paton’s Birders Haven; and Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds, including many of BirdCallsRadio guests and thousand of others who have donated so generously to save this slice of heaven. BUT, Most of all, to Wally and Marion Paton and the entire Paton family to have to foresight and know the importance of being real conservationist and saving a piece of heaven for all to enjoy!

Paton’s Birder Haven Original Wooden Sign. Photo taken by the ©Paton Family. All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Paton Family
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