Black-throated Gray Warbler, A Western Migrant

Black-throated Gray Warbler, foraging in Oak tree, spring, East Fork, Cave Creek Canyon, AZ. April 17, 2017 ©Townsend Dickinson Lis# J2O6070 All Rights Reserved.
The Black-throated Gray Warbler is dapper black and white and gray bird with a touch of yellow above the eye. It is a sister species to the Black-throated Green, Townsend’s, Hermit and Golden-cheeked Warblers. It winters in Western Mexico and breeds in coniferous forests in the West from New Mexico, California through British Columbia. It is a western warbler; it does not share breeding ranges, migration routes or wintering areas preferred by eastern warblers.

Black-throated Gray Warbler, vagrant, male, foraging, spring migrant, Magee Marsh S.P., Oak Harbor, OH. May 14, 2018 ©Townsend Dickinson Lis# 18R8386 All Rights Reserved.
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