Both of the egrets are back

Snowy egret by Chris Bosak (copyright)
I saw my first great egret of the year last week. Today, I spotted my first snowy egret. Both of the egrets common to New England are back. Seems a bit early, but I’ll take them. I love watching the waders.
Great egrets are larger (taller) than snowy egrets (roughly three feet vs. two feet). Great egrets also have yellow bills and black legs and feet. Snowy egrets have black bills, black legs and yellow feet.
I’ve seen great blue herons, too, but am still waiting for the night herons and green herons.
I know, all in good time. Happy birding everybody!
Don’t forget to tune in Sunday as we talk with Kevin Karlson, author, photographer and “birding by impression” advocate. BirdCallsRadio airs 1 to 2 p.m. each Sunday on 1490 WGCH and here.