Catherine Hamilton will be next guest on Bird Calls

Catherine Hamilton birding & photographing at Allen's Meadow in Wilton, CT. ©Townsend P. Dickinson All Rights Reserved
Ever wonder what it would be like to travel across the United States (and beyond, really) watching and drawing birds? Find out what the experience is like by tuning into Bird Calls Radio on Saturday, from 3 to 4 p.m.
Catherine Hamilton will be the guest this week. Catherine, in her own words from her blog “Birdspot,” is “on the road to draw and study birds.” She says that translates to being “properly homeless and focusing on dubious pursuits for a year.”
She is also currently doing a Big Year of sorts, with over 500 bird species seen this year already in the ABA boundaries. She is also complementing that with trips out the boundaries to places such as Belize and Costa Rica.
She has arts degrees from Rhode Island School of Design and Bennington College. She is currently “wandering farther and farther afield in pursuit of all things avian.”
She is currently on the East Coast soaking up the fall migration in New England. She will be live in studio on Saturday, so call in with your questions _ (203) 846-3044.
Her blog may be found at
As always, thanks for checking in with Bird Calls Radio. Be sure to check out Bird Calls every Saturday from 3 to 4 p.m. on WSTC/WNLK AM1400/1350 (in S. CT and nearby NY) or from anywhere in the world (where there’s Internet access, that is.)