BCR 109: Westport CT CBC

Westport CT CBC 2017 Norwalk Islands, CT. l. to r. Mardi Dickinson, Co-Compiler; Capt Charlie Wetmore; Morgan Wetmore; Townsend Dickinson, Co-Compiler; Capt Larry Flynn. ©Mardi Welch Dickinson KymryGroup™ All Rights Reserved.
Show Notes:
Bird Calls Radio reports on the 71st Annual Westport CT Christmas Bird Count by joining a field party on count day that took place on Sunday December 17, 2017.
Thanks to the inspiration of Frank M. Chapman and the enthusiasm of twenty-seven dedicated birders, twenty-five Christmas Bird Counts were held that day. The First Christmas Bird Count was on December 25, 1900. About 18,500 individual birds and 27 total participants Cumulative bird species list: 89 species total.
The CBC tradition has volunteer bird watchers at all levels of experience spend all or part of one day, around the Holiday season, going out into the field in various locations within the local Count Circle. Teams of observers will canvas many local hot spots. The object is to identify and count each species of wild bird they see and to record how many of each type they see in one day.
The CBC results are published online in AMERICAN BIRDS along with the input from 1700 other counts conducted nationwide and throughout the Americas. This is the longest running annual census of bird populations in the country, thanks to the some 44,000 thousand birdwatchers who volunteer their efforts. After the count this year CBC observers then will gather together to tally the results and join in on the complilation at potluck dinner celebration to discuss the highlights of the day and total species.
Thank you to all the 14 Captains and numerous participants that joined in for this years Westport CTWE 71st Annual Christmas Bird Count and the 118th Anniversary of this National Audubon that took place on Sunday December 17, 2017
The Westport CTWE count circle have tallied 119 count day species and 3 additional count period birds to date.
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