BCR 111: Jim Fowler

Jim Fowler, Andean Condor. Photos courtesy of ©Jim Fowler Archives. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Fowler Family.
Jim Fowler is the well known to many of us as the TV co-host, and then host, of the long running Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom TV show. In his early career as a professional zoologist, he worked with animals as a trainer and lecturer at John Hamlet’s Birds Of Prey in Florida. He also did field work in Africa and later in South America studying the Harpy Eagle in the wild for the first time. In 1955 Jim met Marlin Perkins when Perkins filmed a segment for the Zoo Parade television show in Florida.
Fowler joined Perkins as co-host in 1963 of a new show called Wild Kingdom. Jim also designed modern exhibits at the Chehaw Zoo in Georgia and was associated with the Zoological Association of America. As host of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, Fowler received four Emmy awards and the show was approved for family viewing by the National PTA. Jim was the official wildlife correspondent for NBC’s The Today Show in 1988, and made 40 appearances with various wild animals on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.
In 1997, Fowler joined Discovery Communication’s Animal Planet as a wildlife expert and later launched the television program Jim Fowler’s Life in the Wild in 2000. Jim is still concerned about conservation matters to this, and is doing what he can to raise awareness of the issues to this day.
Show Notes:
- your early years exploring nature
- fieldwork with Harpy Eagles
- John Hamlet’s Birds Of Prey
- Zoological Association of America
- Designing exhibits for Chehaw Zoo
- Marlin Perkins Co-Host/Host Wild Kingdom
- Critters onto Johnny Carlson’s Tonight Show
- Animal Planet as a wildlife expert
- Fowler Preserve
- lessons and or observations

Jim Fowler. Photo courtesy of ©Jim Fowler Archives. All Rights Reserved. Photos may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Fowler Family.
Mentioned in Episode:
Zoological Association of America
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