Great Backyard Bird Count under way!

Great Backyard Bird Count
The Great Backyard Bird Count started yesterday (Friday, Feb. 17) and will continue until Monday (Feb. 20). If you haven’t done so already, be sure to get out there and count the birds somwhere _ a nearby park, woods, or even your own backyard. Submit results and find more information at
I’m heading out today with my boys to count birds at two properties owned by the Darien Land Trust. Can’t wait to see what’s out there. And if there’s not much out there, I’ll still submit the results. A lack of birds is just as important to the GBBC database as a ton of birds. Dr. John Fitzpatrick, director of Cornell Lab of Ornithology, discussed why (and plenty of other things about the GBBC) on the last Bird Calls Radio show. Here it is in case you missed it. . BCR archive 2-12-12 with John Fitzpatrick GBBC
So get out there and count some birds. Feel free to hit “contact me” above and send me your highlights!
Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow (Sunday) at 1 p.m. for another new Bird Calls Radio show with Milan Bull, senior director of conservation and science for Connecticut Audubon. He will discuss the recently released CT State of the Birds report.
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