Future Guest Appearances!
Dr. John M. Marzluff, a renowned ornithologist and urban ecologist and author stops by to talk about his latest book, “In Search of Meadowlarks: Birds, Farms, and Food in Harmony with the Land’ airing TBA.
Guest Appearances Lineup
Coming up Guests for 2023.
Dr. John M. Marzluff, a renowned ornithologist and urban ecologist and author stops by to talk about his latest book, “In Search of Meadowlarks: Birds, Farms, and Food in Harmony with the Land'., airing TBA.
Click below to see a complete list of all the guests that have been on BirdCallsRadio™. Starting with the latest and working back since our inception of March 19, 2011.
- 206 Paul Desjardins, a life-long serious Connecticut birder, who keeps meticulous records of birds seen worldwide for 60 years for a indepth conversation June 2, 2020.
- 205 Bruce Beehler, Ph.D., Ornithologist, Author and Tim Laman Ph.D., an award-winning National Geographic Photographer, on new book New Guinea, Nature and Culture of Earth's Grandest Island; for this exclusive publication date on all things New Guinea May 19, 2020.
- 204 Jeffrey Ward, Science Communicator and NYC Birder joins BirdCallsRadio to talk about educating people on what they can do to protect birds and their habitats May 12, 2020.
- 203 Lynn E. Barber, Ph.D., J.D. & Author of her new book,“BIG YEARS, BIGGEST STATES Birding in Texas and Alaska” sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive talk on all things birding in Texas and Alaska May 5, 2020.
- 202 Dr. Lauren McGough is a licensed and practicing falconer of the ancient tradition since age 14 and is one of the very few American women to do so. Her love of falconry has taken her all the way to Mongolia, where she studied with Kazakh eagle hunters April 28, 2020.
- 201 Dr. Eleanor Jones Harvey, Senior Curator, Smithsonian American Art Museum and author of the newly anticipated book “Alexander von Humboldt and the United States Art, Nature, and Culture” sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive talk on all things Alexander von Humboldt April 21, 2020.
- 200 Dr. John W. Fitzpatrick, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Executive Director of Cornell Lab of Ornithology and our 10thguest in our featured series called “For The Record, Legacy Interviews” and BCR’s 200th Show airing April 14, 2020.
- 199 Christopher Leahy, Naturalist, Conservationist and Author stops by to talk about his latest book Birds of Mongolia April 7, 2020.
- 198 Bruce Beehler, Ph.D., Ornithologist, ecologist, conservationist and author of Natural Encounters; talks about on biking, hiking and birding through the seasons March 31, 2020.
- 197 Wenfei Tong, Ph.D., Biologist & Author of Bird Love, The Family Life Of Birds flies by for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Bird Love March 24, 2020.
- 196 Richard Allen, Wildlife Artist and Illustrator recently published book, Birds Of Paradise and Bowerbirds for the exclusive talk about this book and his illustrations March 17, 2020.
- 195 Don Kroodsma, author of his latest book, Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist sits down for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Birdsongs March 10, 2020.
- 194 Phil Gregory, Author of the recently published book, Birds of Paradise and Bowerbirds stops byfor this exclusive talk about this book and birding in Australia March 3, 2020.
- 193 Marky Mutchler, LSU Biology student and BCR 3rd guest in our series called Pay It Forward™ swoops in and talks with us about LSU, Brazilian expedition and her life and interests Febuary 25, 2020.
- 192 Bernd Heinrich, the author of the newly anticipated book, White Feathers, The Nesting Lives of Tree Swallows sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive talk on all things Tree Swallows on publication date Febuary 18, 2020.
- 191 Tom Wood, Co-Founder of the Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory buzzes by to update us on all things Arizona Feb 11, 2020.
- 190 Ted Gilman, Senior Naturalist and Education Specialist for Greenwich Audubon and our 9th guest in our featured series, For The Record, Legacy Interviews Feb 4, 2020.
- 189 Dr. Tricia Miller, Executive Director, Senior Research Wildlife Biologist for Conservation Science Global; soars by to about tracking and studying golden eagles for over a decade Jan 28, 2020.
- 188 Mark Stackhouse, Tropical Birder, fly’s by to talk exclusively, Mardi Dickinson about San Blas, Nayarit,Mexico and it’s spectacular birding areas Jan 21, 2020.
- 187 Richard Crossley, An internationally acclaimed birder, photographer and author flys by to talk with BCR about his past projects and his NEW venture, The Crossley ID Boot Camp Jan 14, 2020.
- 186 BirdCallsRadio NEWS REEL reflects on our endeavors for 2019 and looks at what's ahead for an exciting 2020 Tues, Jan 7, 2020.
- 185 Holly Merker, Environmental Educator sits down with Mardi Dickinson and talks about birds and nature with kids; Frontiers in Ornithology; her roll with eBird and a NEW venture called ID Boot Camp Dec 24, 2019.
- 184 Geoff LeBaron, Director, Christmas Bird Count International, National Audubon Society; a position Geoff has held since 1987, talks about the Christmas Bird Count Dec 17, 2019.
- 183 Roger F. Pasquier, a lifelong birder and author stops and talks about his latest book,“Birds In Winter, Surviving the Most Challenging Season” with the inter-connection to art and conservation Nov 6, 2019.
- 182 Keith Mueller, Avian Artist and Bird Sculpture and author of his lastest book, "Half Sized Great Horned Owl" to talk about his love of both art and the carving world Oct 15, 2019.
- 181 Michael Lanzone, CEO; Casey Halverson COO; and David LaPuma, Ph.D., Director of Global Market Development from Cellular Tracking Technologies gives a deep dive into the World of Wildlife Telemetry Oct 1, 2019.
- 180 Tom Reed is one of few birders who truly calls Cape May County, NJ home. He discovered birds at a young age and was immediately captivated by the spectacle of migration visible from his Reed’s Beach backyard. Tom sits down with Mardi Dickinson and talks all things migration Sept 24, 2019.
- 179 Nick Bonomo has been birding his home state of Connecticut since the age of thirteen. He works as an Orthopedic Physician Assistant and spends much of his free time in the field. Nick sits down with BCR and talks about Shorebirds, Gulls, Pelagics Sept 17, 2019.
- 178 Julie Zickefoose, author of the newly anticipated book, "Saving Jemima Life and Love with a Hard-Luck Jay", sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Blue Jay, and a chance to win a copy of her newest book airing on publication date Sept 10, 2019.
- 177 Paul Singer, co-author of Arthur Singer, The Wildlife Art of an American Master sits down with Mardi Dickinson to talk about his father’s wildlife art Sept 3, 2019.
- 176 Nancy Grant, a working journalist, field naturalist and author of "Binge Birding, Twenty Days with Binoculars" flys by BirdCallsRadio to talk about her solo road trip from Kentucky through multiple states and then all along the Texas Gulf Coast looking at birds that turned into an almost 4,000 mile adventure Aug 28, 2019.
- 175 Jason Guerard, Outreach Director, Black Swamp Bird Observatory and Events Coordinator, Biggest Week in American Birding stops by to talk with Mardi Dickinson about exploring the woods on his family farm to an update on his life in NW Ohio August 6, 2019.
- 174 Nate Koszycki is BirdCallsRadio's 2nd guest in a featured series called "Pay It Forward™" on this next episode and talks with us about his knowledge and passion for birds since the age of 6, along with bird identification, distribution, and conservation July 23, 2019.
- 173 Wayne R. Petersen, Director of the Massachusetts Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program at the Massachusetts Audubon Society and our 8th guest in our featured series called “For The Record, Legacy Interviews” July 9, 2019.
- 172 Jeffrey Spendelow flies by BirdCallsRadio about his life long study about the fascinating colonial nesting birds called the Roseate Tern May 21, 2019.
- 171 Nancy McAllister of Mom's Big Year her journey of birding the U.S. Young children, two new jobs healing after a family tragedy May 14 2019.
- 170 Jason Ward, Host of Birds Of North America talks about this web series May 7, 2019.
- 169 BirdCallsRadio re-mastered episode from October 2012 with Bill Thompson lll.April 30, 2019.
- 168 Tom Stephenson and Scott Whittle Co-Developers of BirdGenie App for an exclusive talk on this evolutionary App that helps identify birds by their songs.April 23, 2019.
- 167 Nancy Langston, author of Sustaining Lake Superior, An Extraordinary Lake in a Changing World on the interconnected histories of watershed, human, forest and bird health -- all in the context of climate change April 16, 2019.
- 166 Nathan Pieplow, author of the new book, Peterson Field Guide to Bird Sounds of Western North America for this exclusive talk on all things Bird Sounds April 9, 2019.
- 165 Kenn Kaufman, author of the newly anticipated book, “A Season On The Wind, inside the world of spring migration” sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive talk on all things spring migration on publication date April 2, 2019.
- 164 Dr. Hanna Mounce, Coordinator for the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project has been implementing a program to recover endangered forest birds & restore ecosystems at remote forest sites on Island of Maui March 26, 2019.
- 163 Rick Wright, author of the new Peterson Reference Guide to Sparrows of North America, for this exclusive talk on all things Sparrows on publication date March 19, 2019.
- 162 Dale Dyer an ornithological illustrator who has been painting birds for about twenty five years and talks about his book on Birds of Central America March 12, 2019.
- 161 David & Tammy McQuade joins us to talk about birding in SW Florida, rare and unusual birds, birds in the lower 48 states, big years and pelagic birding in the Gulf of Mexico March 5, 2019.
- 160 Stephen Moss, naturalist, broadcaster, television producer and author chats about his book about his book “Mrs. Moreau’s Warbler: How Birds Got Their Names", and the historic origins Feb 26, 2019.
- 159 Maresa Pryor-Luzier is a Natural History Photographer sits down with host Mardi Dickinson to talk about her involvement in the photographic industry since 1987, a Founding Member of NANPA Feb 19, 2019.
- 158 Mike Jacobs is a former publisher of the Grand Forks Herald Newspaper sits down with host Mardi Dickinson about the region’s birdlife of North Dakota since his youth. Life on western rim of the Red River Valley and continues to write a column "Always In Season" Feb 12, 2019.
- 157 David J. Ringer, Chief Network Officer of National Audubon sits down w host Mardi Dickinson about the health, vitality, capacity, diversity and strength of Audubon's vast distributed network. In addtion to David'sdefining influences and what got him into birds and teh natural world Jan 29, 2019.
- 156 Patricia M. González Scientist, Field Ornithologist, studying migration of Red Knots through the America, B95 talks with Mardi Dickinson Jan 28, 2019.
- 155 Katrina van Grouw, Author & natural history Illustrator of The Unfeathered Bird and Unnatural Selection; sits down to talk with Mardi Dickinson about her books and being a self-taught scientist with a passion for evolutionary biology and its history Jan 22, 2019.
- 154 Chidi Paige is a scientist and an educator. She is passionate about hands-on science education & learning through play. Chidi is the intventor of the trademarked game called BirdWiser™, a suit of fun educational games Jan 15, 2019.
- 153 Daniel Lewis, Author of Belonging on an Island: Birds, Extinction, and Evolution in Hawai'i, flies by to talk with BirdCallsRadio about an environmental history of extinction and survival among the Hawaiian avifauna Jan 8, 2019.
- 152 Donald Kroodsma is an Ornithologist, Scientist and preeminent expert in the art and science of listening to birdsong. Please join us for this wonderful episode on New Years Day. Jan 1, 2019.
- 151 Dr. Jeff Wells is the Science and Policy Director for the Boreal Songbird Initiative. He has earned a reputation as one of the nation's leading bird experts and conservation biologists. Dec 25, 2018.
- 150 John Kricher, Author of numerous books and most recent book is The New Neotropical Companion (2017), a third edition of John’s successful book, A Neotropical Companion joins BCR for an epic conversation Dec 18, 2018.
- 149 Michael DiGiorgio is a nationally recognized artist and has been painting birds since the age of five. Michael began to study bird paintings from the late Don Eckelberry in 1979. Committed to painting from life he has traveled extensively to create field sketches and fine art of birds, plants, and habitats. Michael is currently illustrating plates for Birds of South America vol.3 with Robert Ridgley and Guy Tudor. Please join BirdCallsRadio for this extraordinary conversation Dec 11, 2018.
- 148 Chris Rimmer is the Founding Executive Director of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies. His recent work has focused on conservation research of Bicknell’s Thrush at both ends of its migratory range, from New York and New England to the Dominican Republic and Cuba Dec 4, 2018.
- 147 Patrick J. Lynch is an author or co-author of nine books published by Yale University Press, including his latest book in Nov 2018, “A Field Guide to Cape Cod.” Including Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Block Island & Eastern Long Island. A comprehensive guide to the environmental history, natural environments, plants, and animals of Cape Cod and it’s nearby Islands Nov 28, 2018.
- 146 Juliana Barrett is with the University of Connecticut Sea Grant College Program and the Department of Extension. Her work focuses on climate change adaptation and coastal habitat management working with Connecticut’s municipalities, NGO’s and state and federal partners Nov 6, 2018.
- 145 BirdCallsRadio officially reports LIVE at the 72nd Annual Cape May Fall Festival 2018, hosted by New Jersey Audubon's Cape May Bird Observatory in Cape May, NJ on Oct 30, 2018.
- 144 Pete Dunne and Kevin Karlson talk About all things Gulls in their latest book "Gulls Simplified". Know for both their lifelong devotion to wildlife and conservation on Oct 24, 2018.
- 143 BirdCallsRadio Reports LIVE at the 4th Annual American Birding Expo 2018 hosted by Birdwatcher’s Digest and is being held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA on Oct 16, 2018.
- 142 BirdCallsRadio reports LIVE at the 20th Annual Audubon Greenwich Hawk Watch Fall Festival, a state office of the National Audubon Society in Greenwich, CT on Oct 9, 2018.
- 141 Dr. Merlin D. Tuttle is an ecologist, wildlife photographer, and conservationist who has studied bats and championed their preservation for more than 55 years and continues as the founder of the Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation on Oct 2, 2018.
- 140 BCR reports LIVE the Celebration of Helen Hays 50th Anniversary of Great Gull Island, a tern research colony she has directed since 1969 for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City on Sept 26, 2018.
- 139 Catherine Hamilton is our third guest in a continued featured series called "Women In Conservation", talks about her evolution as a bird artist, inspiration, favorite subject matters, field sketching prowess, and her dedication to supporting bird conservation efforts on Sept 18. 2018.
- 138 BCR reports LIVE from the 13th Annual Jamaica Bay Shorebird Festival that is held at the Gateway National Recreation Area unit of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge within the U.S. National Park Service; talks with many people that flock here to witness the spectacular yearly occurrence of the fall shorebird migration on Sept 11. 2018
- 137 Bernd Heinrich, Naturalist, Biologist and Writer Joins BCR host Mardi Dickinson to talk about his lastest book and the back-story about the early influences on his interest in science and natural history airing on Aug 28, 2018
- 136 Brian K. Wheeler has been studying, painting, and photographing birds of prey throughout the United States and Canada for more than fifty years. His latest books ‘Birds of Prey of the West” and its companion volume, “Birds of Prey of the East”, are the most comprehensive and authoritative field guides to North American birds of prey ever published on August 21, 2018.
- 135 Dale Rosselet, VP for Education with New Jersey Audubon since 1983 joins Mardi Dickinson for an in depth conversation on all statewide and center-based programming efforts for the organization on August 7, 2018.
- 134 Frank Gallo stops by and talks with host, Mardi Dickinson on his newly released book, Birding in Connecticut plus getting people outside to enjoy nature on July 17, 2018.
- 133 Viginia Rose, initiated Birdability™ talks with host, Mardi Dickinson on getting mobility-impaired people out in the parks and enjoying nature, by making birding locations more accessible airing on July 10, 2018.
- 132 Kimberly Kaufman, Executive Director of the Black Swamp Bird Observatory is our second guest in a continued featured series called “Women In Conservation”, talks about her passion in the natural world and lifelong contributions to wild birds and conservation on June 26, 2018.
- 131 Mardi Dickinson, BCR Host, reports LIVE from NW Ohio on the Biggest Week 2018 Moments talks with many world travelers that flock here to witness the spectacular yearly occurrence of spring migration of songbirds on so many levels on June 19, 2018
- 130 Bonnie Paton Moon, author and a daughter of the late Wally and Marion Paton of Paton’s Birders Haven now in perpetuity called Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds stops by with an update on June 12, 2018.
- 129 Sheri Williamson stops by to chat about all things about hummingbirds, field guides and on June 5, 2018.
- 128 David Toews Ph.D. flys by to talks about Warbler Hybrids Zones & Genomics. The dynamics of hybridization, the patterns of genomic divergence, and understanding the genetic basis for phenotypic differences on May 29, 2018.
- 127 BirdCallsRadio reports LIVE from the Biggest week in American Birding 2018 on a keynote panel about five Women Birders Big Year that includes; Lynn Barber, Laura Erickson, Laura Keene, Nancy McAllister, and Yve Morrell on May 22, 2018.
- 126 Luke Tiller on the witness of raptor migration and his experience counting raptors in North America, Europe and the Middle East on May 15, 2018.
- 125 Benjamin Van Doren and Kyle Horton on an exciting new project called BirdCast. They both developed and recently launched live migration maps, an incredible tool built upon, of a computer model of weather and bird migration on May 8, 2018.
- 124 Janet Moore and Janet Stein who discovered a Red Warbler on Monday, April 9, 2018 at Rose Canyon Lake, Mt. Lemon in Pima County SEAZ, flys by to talk with host Mardi Dickinson in detail about finding this Mega Rarity in SEAZ on May 1, 2018.
- 123 Dr. David La Puma is the Director of NJ Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory, avid birder, ornithologist and conservationist stops by to talk with host Mardi Dickinson about the World Series of Birding 35th Anniversary, CMBO/New Jersey Audubon & CMBO Research on April 24, 2018.
- 122 David Lindo is a broadcaster, writer, speaker and tour leader and lives in England when he is not traveling the world. We caught up with David in Spain to talk with host Mardi Dickinson about Urban Birding and specializes in unlikely birding sites around the world on April 17, 2018.
- 121 Ashli Gorbet is a wildlife biologist and ornithologist stops by to talk with host Mardi Dickinson about female role models, Black-throated Grey Warblers, mentoring, bird banding & ABA Standards & Ethics Committee on 4/10/18.
- 120 Seabrooke Leckie is a freelance writer and naturalist who became interested in moths stops by to talk with BirdCallsRadio about her lastest book series, Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Southeastern NA. 4/3/18.
- 119 Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe is the Bird Conservation Program Manager for Audubon Connecticut joins BCR Host Mardi Dickinson to talk about Piping Plovers, shrub land birds, IBA's, Wild Life Guards, Being a pilot. 3/27/18
- 118 Hob Osterlund is the founder of Kauai Albatross Network, a third year Safina Center Fellow and author of the book Holy Moli, Albatross & Other Ancestors joins BirdCallsRadio to talk about Albatrosses on Kauai, Hawaii. 3/20/18
- 117 Scott Weidensaul, Author, Naturalist, and Researcher stops by to talk with BirdCallsRadio about his life-long work and projects on conservation and the natural world. 3/13/18
- 116 Stephen Kress, Vice President for Bird Conservation of the National Audubon Society, Executive Director of the Seabird Restoration Program, Project Puffin; stops by to talk with BirdCallsRadio about his life-long work in seabird conservation, management, and habitat restoration. 2/27/18
- 115 Noah Strycker, Birder and Author stops by to talk about his adventures to become the first person to see half the world's birds in one year with a backpack. 2/20/18
- 114 Floyd Scholz, Master Bird Carver stops by BirdCallsRadio to talk about his lifelong work, techniques and his love of the natural world that inspired his fascination with large crested eagles. Airing 2/13/18
- 113 Ken Elkin stops by to talk with host Mardi Dickinson about his program he Co-developed called "Bird Tales" for people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. 2/6/18.
- 112 Dr. Sidney Gauthreaux Jr is our 7th guest in our series called "For The record, Legacy Interviews. Sidney stops by to talk with host Mardi Dickinson about using radars to quantify Trans-Gulf bird migration. 1/15/18.
- 111 Jim Fowler, one of the world’s most recognized naturalists, has presented information about wildlife and wild places to the American public on television for more than 40 years. BirdCallsRadio talks with Jim Fowler on location 1/9/18.
- 110 Connecticut Bird Atlas, Chris Elphick talks with BirdCallsRadio about the next project he is spearheading the details of what is involved in this comprehensive & important survey. 1/2/18
- 109 BirdCallsRadio reports on the 71st Annual Westport CT Christmas Bird Count by joining a field party on count day. 12/26/17
- 108 Helen Hays, Director, Great Gull Island Tern Project, AMNH for fifty years stops by as BCR's 6th guest in our featured series called “For The Record, Legacy Interview 12/19/17
- 107 Paul Baicich, Co-Author of The Crossley ID Guide Waterfowl stops by to talk with BirdCallsRadio on saving waterfowl and wetlands, wing cut outs, food and conservation. 11/9/17
- 106 Mark Garland, Director of the Cape May Monarch Monitoring Project stops by to talk with BirdCallsRadio about his love and fascination with Monarch Butterflies. 11/3/17
- 105 Richard Crossley, Author of The Crossley ID Guide Waterfowl is back to talk to BirdCallsRadio about his fourth book in this series. 10/27/17
- 104 Lucas Stephenson is our first guest in a new series called "Pay It Forward" on this episode and talks to BirdCallsRadio about his 11 years of birding and travel adventures as a young birder. 9/30/17
- 103 Mike Parr, President of the American Bird Conservancy, Part 2 in Washington DC stops by again to continue our conversation on recent concerns involving conservation of wild birds. 9/14/17
- 102 Pete Dunne with Kevin Karlson on their latest book, "Birds of Prey". Known both for their lifelong devotion to wildlife, conservation, and protection of all living birds, joins BirdCallsRadio live on location to talk with us. 9/7/17
- 101 Mike Parr, President of the American Bird Conservancy in Washington DC stops by to talk about some of the recent concerns involving extinction, migratory birds, and threats. 8/31/17
- 100 Victor Emanuel is our fifth guest in this series called "For The Record, Legacy interviews"AND our 100th episode talks to BirdCallsRadio about his 69 years of birding and travel adventures. 8/24/17
- 99 Debi Love Shearwater - "For The Record, Legacy interviews" fourth guest in this series. 8/17/17
- 98 Joel Greenberg - Author of A Feathered River Across the Sky: The Passenger Pigeon's Flight to Extinction stops by to talk about the factors that lead to the demise of Passenger Pigeons. 8/10/17
- 97 Chris Elphick - Associate Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut working on the Saltmarsh Sparrow life and habitats in marshes across New England. 8/3/17.
- 96 Twan Leenders - President and CEO of Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History 7/27/17.
- 95 Deborah Rivel and Kellye Rosenheim - Co-Authors of the book “Birdwatching in New York City and on Long Island.” 7/20/17
- 94 Greg Miller - Birdwatcher for over 50 years and has birded in all 50 states and much of Canada.
- 93 Laura Erickson - "Women In Conservation" 1st interview in this NEW BCR Series. 6/29/17
- 92 Kenn Kaufman For The Record, Legacy Interviews™ 3rd interview in this series. 6/1/17
- 91 Mardi Dickinson - The Biggest Week 2017 Reporting LIVE 5/25/17
- 90 Joan Collins - President of the New York State Ornithological Association & Editor of New York Birder. 5/18/17
- 89 Patrick Lynch - Author, A Field Guide To Long Island Sound. 5/11/17
- 88 Deborah Cramer - Author, The Narrow Edge, her most recent book. 5/4/17
- 87 Lisa White - Executive Editor at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 4/27/17
- 86 Pete Dunne - For The Record, Legacy Interviews™ 2nd interview in this series. 4/21/17
- 85 Tom Stephenson & Scott Whittle - Co-Authors of The Warbler Guide Book and App! 4/14/17
- 84 Patrick Comins - Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Connecticut. 4/6/17.
- 83 Chandler S. Robbins - Summarized the highlights of his 60-year career in a NEW BCR Featured Series called For The Record, Legacy Interviews™. 9/15/16
- 82 Katie Fallon - Author of Cerulean Blues. Cerulean Warbler update, Strip Mining, and its effects, technology tools, Importance of children being outdoors + Announcement of a NEW Book. 9/6/16
- 81 Judy Davis - Identifier of the Great White Pelican that was discovered on Sanibel Island, Florida on Feb 28, 2016. 5/20/16
- 80 Bonnie Paton Moon & Larry Morgan, talks about the history, vision and triumphant success of Paton's Bird Haven Since the 1950's. 5/13/14
- 79 Dorian Anderson, Biking For Birds is a year-long environmental odyssey aimed at protecting wild birds and their habitats. During this twelve-month endeavor, geneticist Dr. Dorian Anderson, hopes to see and photograph 600 species of birds while pedaling his bike 15,000 miles across the country. 100 percent of all donations raised will go to The Conservation Fund and The American Birding Association. 2/20/14
- 78 Gayle McNab, Birders' Exchange Intern & Betty Petersen, Director, Birders Exchange. Gail is the first women international ambassador for conservation and education under the ABA Birders' Exchange/Massachusetts Audubon Society International Intern program. 11/4/12
- 77 Bill Thomson lll, Co-Publisher and Editor of Birdwatcher's Digest, a keen birder, talented guitarist, Author of his newest book, The Young Birder's Guide to birds of North America. 10/28/12
- 76 Kenn & Kimberly Kaufman, Authors of the new book Kaufman Field Guide to Nature of New England. 10/21/12
- 75 Phil Donahue, Famed Talk Show Host of the Phil Donahue Show. Talking about his love of Purple Martin's., including Gazebo Phil, Edward O. Wilson, James Watson and host of other birding interests. 10/14/12
- 74 Pete Dunne, Chief Communications Officer of New Jersey Audubon and Director of the Cape May Bird Observatory; Co-Author, Hawks in Fight Revised Edition, including other Natural History and Birding books. 10/7/12
- 73 Julie Brown, Monitoring Site Coordinator, Hawk Migration Association of North America, HMANA. 9/30/12
- 72 Joy M. Kiser, Author, America's Other Audubon; Amy T. Montague, Director, Mass Audubon Visual Arts Center. 9/23/12
- 71 Dave Magpiong and Dr. J. Drew Lanham will talk about Focus on Diversity: Changing the Face of American Birding. 9/16/12
- 70 Betty Petersen, Director, Birders Exchange of ABA. 9/9/12
- 69 Sean Murtha and Brendan Murtha. Sean is a Plein air painter., Brendan is a young birder and Vice President of The Connecticut Young Birders Club. 9/2/12
- 68 Joe Schnierlein, Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk CT. 8/26/12
- 67 Debi Love Shearwater, owner of Monterey-based Shearwater Journeys, leading pelagic boat tours in Monterey Bay, Half Moon Bay, the Farallon Islands since 1975. 8/19/12
- 66 Pledge2Fledge, Co-founders, Dave Magpiong, Michelle Mohilef, and Danielle Mohilef, An International grassroots campaign to introduce friends and acquaintances to the vibrant pursuit and observation of wild bird species. 8/12/12
- 65 Dr. Lawrence Niles, Dr. Joanna Burger, and Dr. Amanda Dey, Authors of "Life Along the Delaware Bay: Cape May, Gateway to a Million Shorebirds," fascinating & Informative book about the area and its importance to birds. 8/5/12
- 64 Kim Todd, author of "Sparrow," explores the history, biology and ecological impact of the House Sparrow, that ubiquitous bird. 7/29/12
- 63 Wayne R. Petersen, Director of the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program. 7/22/12
- 62 Lloyd Spitalnik, Birder, Photographer and co-author of "Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird and Nature Photography". 7/15/12
- 61 Chuck Westfall, Canon U.S.A., Inc. Advisor, Technical Information ITC Group Professional Engineering & Solutions Division. 7/8/12
- 60 Kelly Fuller, Wind Campaign Coordinator, American Bird Conservancy. 7/1/12
- 59 Jen Brumfield, Bird Illustrator, Author, Naturalist. 6/24/12
- 58 Eric Powers, Biologist, Founder; Your Connection to Nature 6/17/12
- 57 John Marzluff & Tony Angell, authors of Gift of The Crow. 6/10/12
- 56 Greg Henisek, CT Birder, Naturalist, Teacher. 6/3/12
- 55 Florence McBride, Educator, Birder, Video photographer. 5/27/12
- 54 Katie Fallon, Cerulean Blues: A Personal Search for a Vanishing Songbird. 5/20/12
- 53 Terry Backer, LI SoundKeeper, CT State Rep, Exec Dir, Soundkeeper Inc. 5/13/12
- 52 Patrick Dugan, Mike Moccio, Stewards of Cove Island Wildlife Sanctuary. 5/6/12
- 51 Derek Lovitch, Birder, Author of How To Be A Better Birder. 4/29/12
- 50 Kenn Kaufman, renowned birder, author of The Kaufman Guides. 4/22/12
- 49 Julie Zickefoose, Author, Naturalist, Bird Illustrator. 4/15/12
- 48 Julian Hough, British Isles Birder, illustrator, Graphic Designer. 4/8/12
- 47 Kevin Karlson, Photographer, Birder Co-Author of Shorebird Guide. 4/1/12
- 46 Mary Warren, Naturalist, Magee Marsh Wildlife. 3/26/12
- 45 Richard Crossley, Author of The Crossley ID Guide, Birder. 3/18/12
- 44 James Currie, Host of Nikon's Birding Adventures TV. 3/11/12
- 43 Benjamin Van Doren, Past President of New York Young Birders Club. 3/4/12
- 42 Jayne Neville, Founder, Mount Vernon Songbird Sanctuary, Inc. 2/26/12
- 41 Milan Bull#2, Senior Director, Science & Conservation, CT Audubon. 2/19/12
- 40 John Fitzpatrick, Director, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. 2/12/12
- 39 Pete Dunne, Author of Natural History and Birding. 2/5/12
- 38 Kim Kaufman, Executive Director, Black Swamp Bird Observatory. 1/29/12
- 37 Twan Leenders, Conservation Biologist, Connecticut Audubon Society. Stratford Point projects and his expertise on reptiles & amphibians. 1/22/12
- 36 Clay Taylor, Naturalist Market Manager, Swarovski Optik. Talked about Digiscoping, Optics, and Birding in Texas. 1/15/12
- 35 Tom Andersen, book author of This Fine Piece of Water. An Environmental History of the Long Island Sound.” its importance to birds. 1/8/12
- 34 Jeffrey A. Gordon, President, American Birding Association. Past and future of ABA. Birding, Technology relationships in the birding industry. 1/1/12.
- 33 Dennis Varza, Connecticut birder who is compiling wh historical account of birds recorded in Connecticut. Special Christmas Day Bird Calls show 12/25/11
- 32 Live Christmas Bird Count (CBC) updates from throughout Connecticut. How are the counters faring on the coastal and inland counts? 12/18/11
- 31 Denise Savageau, Conservation Director for the Town of Greenwich. As we all know, birdwatching and conservation go hand-in-hand. Find out how conservation directors weigh a town’s needs with the needs of birds and other wildlife. 12/11/11
- 30 Judy Richardson, Master bird bander, Chairman of Regional board of CAS. Judy is the bird banding station at CAS Birdcraft Museum. 11/5/11
- 29 Al Levantin, one of“The Big Year”original birders talks about his magical 1998 run. He also discusses birding in general, birding in Central Park in NYC. 10/29/11
- 28 Catherine Hamilton, Artist, traveling across the United States watching and drawing birds and has seen well over 500 bird species seen this year. 10/22/11
- 27 Mark Obmascik, Author The Big Year Book. Mark is a journalist former reporter for the Denver Post. 10/15/11
- 26 John Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The Lab is one of the foremost bird organizations in the country — from research, information and conservation standpoints. 10/8/11
- 25 Patrick Comins, Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon Connecticut. Patrick discusses protecting land for birds,the importance of protecting space. 10/1/11
- 24 Ted Gilman, long-time Naturalist and Environmental Educator at Audubon Greenwich. 9/24/11
- 23 Floyd Scholz, Master Bird Carver and Author. The Vermont Raptor Academy is where his seminars, classes take place. 9/17/11
- 22 Jenny Dickson, Supervising biologist, from Connecticut DEEP, covered a wide range of topics birds of prey, waders, moose, bats and frogs. 9/10/11
- 21 Luke Tiller, the official hawk watcher at Audubon Greenwich’s Quaker Ridge Hawk Watching area. 9/3/11
- 20 Don Riepe, Guardian of Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in New York City. Don discusses a variety of topics, such as shorebirds, shorebird identifications. 8/13/11
- 19 Terrie Wood, a State Representative from Connecticut serving Darien and parts of Norwalk and a member of the Environmental Committee. 8/6/11
- 18 Richard Soffer, Birder from the 1940's, Started Westport CBC, Collector of 1500+ First Edition Bird Books. 7/30/11
- 17 Susan Snider, President, Friends Of The Norwalk Islands. 7/23/11
- 16 Joseph D. Zeranski, Co-author of Connecticut Birds, History of birds in CT. 7/16/11
- 15 Wayne Roberts, Regional Director for Ducks Unlimited. 7/9/11
- 14 Keith Tomlinson, talks about birdingpal.org. 7/2/11
- 13 Dara Reid, Founder & Director of Wildlife in Crisis, a wildlife rehab center. 6/25/11
- 12 Jennie Mortonsen, Garden Designer for Stew Leonard’s. 6/11/11
- 11 Richard Crossley#1, Author of The Crossley ID Guide and acclaimed birdwatcher and bird photographer. 6/4/11
- 10 John Moeling, Vice President of the Norwalk Land Trust. 5/28/11
- 09 David Park, Author of “Kayaking in and Around the Norwalk Islands." 5/21/11
- 08 Tina Green, Co-Vice President of Friends of Sherwood Island, COA Board Member Workshop Chairperson. 5/14/11
- 07 Frank Gallo, Assistant Director, Connecticut Audubon Society at Milford Pt. 5/7/11
- 06 Margaret Ardwin, Dir of Education, Earthplace, Nature Discovery Center. 4/23/11
- 05 Townsend Dickinson, Exquisite Timing of birds Migration. Founding Member of North American Nature Photography Assoc (NANPA), Past National President of American Society of Picture Professionals (ASPP), Past President of New Canaan Audubon, Widely published Natural History Photographer, Lecturer & Photography Consultant. 4/16/11
- 04 Bill Wilson, Co-Founder of Birds & Beans Coffee. 4/9/11
- 03 Frank Mantlik, Premier CT birder and a Founding Member and past President of Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA). 4/2/11
- 02 Captain Larry Flynn, Naturalist and Photographer. 3/26/11
- 01 Milan Bull, Senior Director, Science & Conservation, CT Audubon Society. 3/19/11
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