Happy Birthday to BirdCallsRadio!

Scarlet Tanager ©Chris Bosak All Rights Resevered

Yes, it was one year ago today that BirdCallsRadio first hit the airwaves. Host Chris Bosak started the show by introducing the concept of the show and then spoke with Milan Bull of Connecticut Audubon, the show’s first guest.

Over the next 52 weeks BirdCallsRadio interviewed a variety of local, state, regional, national and even international guests. Topics discussed on the show varied from general birdwatching, migration, conservation, getting children involved in the outdoors, landscaping for birds, wildlife rehabilitation, conservation, and a ton of other topics.

The goal, of course, is to get as many people interested in birdwatching as possible. The more people who are interested in birds, the better chance we have to help out bird populations and address the challenges facing our avian friends. That’s why BirdCallsRadio devotes so much time and energy to discussing conservation and getting children involved in the outdoors.

I can say I’ve had a blast doing BirdCallsRadio and look forward to continuing the show for years to come. Special thanks go to Mardi Dickinson of Kymry Group and Joe and Pat Warren of Wild Birds Unlimited for their unwavering support and encouragement.

A very special thanks to all of you who have listened to BirdCallsRadio — be it every show from the beginning or just one show. Your support is invaluable. Keep it up!! Thanks again.

Listen to this week’s show as I discuss the anniversary and perhaps have a giveaway or two for BirdCallsRadio listeners.

Have a favorite BirdCallsRadio program or feature? Have a suggestion on how to make the show better? Drop me a line and let me know. Thanks again for all your support.

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