Jen Brumfield next guest on BirdCallsRadio

Northern Waterthrush illustration 2012, for Cleveland Museum of Natural History 2012 Calendar. © Jen Brumfield All Rights Reserved.

Jen Bumfield pointing at a LeConte’s Sparrow, on a birding tour with 30 folks at Headlands Beach State Park. ©Judy Semroc. All Right Reserved
Jen Brumfield™, naturalist and artist from northern Ohio, will be the next guest on BirdCallsRadio, coming up from 1 to 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 24, at 1490 WGCH or Listen Live.
Brumfield’s bird illustration work may be found in a number of publications, including the January 2010 cover of ABA’s Birding magazine. She has also designed numerous logos and merchandise for birding festivals throughout the U.S.
Jen has written and illustrated six field guides on the plant and animal life of Cleveland Metroparks, in addition to illustrating a children’s coloring book. Some of her current projects include: illustrating a field guide to eastern warblers for Eagle Optics; authoring and illustrating a guide to the migrant warblers, flycatchers, thrushes and vireos of the Eastern U.S.; and co-authoring a book with Pete Dunne.
She also leads bird tours, including several “Local Patch Birding Tours” in Ohio, looking for shorebirds, warblers, or whatever other type of bird happens to be passing through.
Brumfield has traveled extensively looking for birds to places such as Egypt, Ecuador, Belize and Canada.
More about Jen Brumfield follows, taken from
“Birds have captured Jen’s soul since the minute age of two. From an early age she eagerly ingested every field guide to birds that she could lay hand on, and spent an insatiable amount of time in the field. With her parents incredible support and participation, her awe, respect and fascination for birds and birding, and the natural world, led her to travel widely at a young age, attending birding camps, field institutes, and working for the Smithsonian Institute doing breeding bird surveys.
“The sights, sounds, people, places… Birding provides an experience of freedom, pure observation, respect, and sheer awe and appreciation for not only the environment, but all that makes up this grand world.”
Be sure to tune in this Sunday for what promises to be an exciting show. There just might be some more Norwalk Seaport Association Bird Cruise tickets available to win as well. And, of course, you never know what else you might hear on BirdCallsRadio.