Julie Brown next guest on BirdCallsRadio

Julie Brown with Gray Jay sitting upon her heard in Pittsburg, NH during a Xmas bird count. @Phil Brown. All Rights Reserved.
Julie Brown, monitoring site coordinator for Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA), will be the next guest on BirdCallsRadio, coming up from 1 to 2 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 30 here on LISTEN LIVE. She is also the current site coordinator for the Pack Monadnock Raptor Migration Observatory in Peterborough, NH.
Brown will discuss the work HMANA does, as well as hawk watching in general and the upcoming HMANA annual conference coming up on Oct. 13 and 14, at Audubon Greenwich.
Brown began working for HMANA as the monitoring site coordinator in 2008. Her main job responsibilities focus on offering support to the hawkwatch network across North America, working on the Raptor Population Index Project as well as general administrative, fundraising and outreach efforts.
She received her BS degree from the University of Maine in Wildlife Ecology and her MS in Conservation Biology from Antioch New England Graduate School where she studied Peregrine Falcon migration in Costa Rica.
Brown also worked as a raptor biologist for eight years prior to her job at HMANA.
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