Killdeer chicks growing _ all three alive and well

Killdeer chick, a week after the last photo of the chicks. Copyright Chris Bosak, all rights reserved.
The killdeer family I photographed last week is still intact at a Darien (CT) cemetery. Mother killdeer huddles the chicks underneath her whenever a visitor to the cemetery approaches. At least three other adult killdeer come running and screaming, too. It’s fascinating to watch and I’m glad all three of the chicks are still healthy and growing.
Here is a new photo of one of the chicks. Compare the (roughly) week’s growth to the photo I posted last week. You can scroll down a few blog entries.
The other photo at the bottom of this post shows the mother with the three chicks huddled beneath her.
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Also, this Sunday’s guests will be Mike Moccio and Patrick Duggan, Connecticut birders who were instrumental in forming the Cove Island Park Bird Sanctuary in Stamford, Ct. Be sure to check out Patrick’s “bird calls.” More on this tomorrow.