Lloyd Spitalnik next guest on BirdCallsRadio

Cover of Book: Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird and Nature Photography ©Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
Lloyd Spitalnik, a well known birder and accomplished photographer, living and working in New York City, will be the next guest on BirdCallsRadio, coming up this Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m. on 1490 WGCH or “Listen Live“. His new book “Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird and Nature Photography,” co-authored with his friends Kevin Karlson (The Shorebird Guide) and Scott Elowitz (Lenscoat.com) will be available at the end of July.
His photographs have appeared in Audubon, Natural History, Birder’s World, Wildbird, and Birding (ABA) magazines, as well as in The New York Times and New York Daily News.
Lloyd also leads instructional photo tours in the New York City area. He is sought after for his talks and slideshow presentations to both birding and photography clubs. Along with Don Riepe and Kevin Karlson, Lloyd organizes and conducts the Jamaica Bay Shorebird Festival every August.
“Visions” includes more than 450 bird and nature photographs, reflecting the personal visions of the three authors and eight other wildlife photographers. The theme of the book is set by the elements of the planet (earth, fire, air, and water) and includes an assortment of nature photographs, from exciting action and moody nature photos. It is being published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., which is based in Atglen, Pennsylvania.
Be sure to tune in Sunday. Thanks for your support of BirdCallsRadio.