Master carver Floyd Scholz Coming up on Bird Calls this Saturday

Floyd Scholz Master Carver with female Golden Eagle. ©Tad Merrick All Rights Reserved.
Floyd Scholz, a master bird carver who lives in Vermont and Florida, will be the guest on this week’s Bird Calls radio show, which airs Saturdays from 3 to 4 p.m.
Scholz has been named the 2011 Artist of the Year by Connecticut Audubon and will be a featured guest at that organization’s upcoming fundraiser: Birds In Their Habitat, a juried artists’ exhibition and sale. The event is taking place September 23-25.
A professional carver since 1983, Scholz is universally recognized as a top carver of birds in the worldld. His portrayal of eagles, hawks, owls and many other large birds has won him a large international following and many top awards at major shows throughout the country.
Scholz also plays the banjo and rides a unicycle, sometimes at the same time. Tune in to find out more about that.
Joe Warren of Wild Birds Unlimited in Darien and Bedford Hills, N.Y., will also be on for his regular spot.
Be sure to check out Bird Calls every Saturday from 3 to 4 p.m. on WSTC/WNLK AM1400/1350 (in S. CT and nearby NY) or from anywhere in the world (where there’s Internet access, that is.) Thanks for checking in.