BirdCallsRadio: Milan Bull #2

Milan Bull, senior director of science and conservation for CAS, discusses the Connecticut State of the Birds 2012 report. ©Photo Mardi Welch Dickinson/KymryGroup™ All Rights Reserved.
Here is the archive of the Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012, Bird Calls Radio show, in case you missed it. In this show, Milan Bull discusses the recently released 2012 State of the Birds Report. Bull is the senior director of conservation and science and also one of the founders and editors of the report. This year’s report focused on “Where is the Next Generation of Conservationists Coming From?” We discuss the findings at length.
Bull also discusses what the 2013 State of the Birds report will focus on. All interesting and important stuff. Give it a listen here. bcr2-19-12bull
I also talk about house finches and how quickly they have spread throughout the U.S.