Milan Bull next guest on Bird Calls Radio; CT State of the Birds report

Milan Bull, senior director of science and conservation for CAS, discusses the Connecticut State of the Birds 2012 report. ©Mardi Welch Dickinson/KymryGroup™ All Rights Reserved.
Milan Bull, the senior director of conservation and science for Connecticut Audubon Society, will be the guest this week on Bird Calls Radio, which airs from 1 to 2 p.m. on Sundays at 1490 WGCH AM or WORLDWIDE STREAMING on “Listen Live” above.
Bull discuss the recently released 2012 Connecticut State of the Birds report. This year the report focused on “Where is the Next Generation of Conservationists Coming From?” I often ask guests how to get youngsters back in the outdoors, so I find this topic very appealing. I look forward to discussing this topic with Bull.
Bull, by the way, was the guest on the very first Bird Calls Radio program back in March 2011. On that program we discussed the 2011 State of the Birds report, which focused on bird habitat. Bull is one of the founders and editors of the report. On that show in March 2011, Bull told Bird Calls Radio listeners what the next State of the Birds report would focus on. I’ll ask him Sunday what the 2013 topic will be and see if he reveals the answer.
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