Spring Warbler Trees. The Green Wave, Red Maples

Northern Parula Warbler, male, spring migrant, foraging foraging for insects in new growth Red Maple samaras East Rocks Park, New Haven, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# DSC8766. All Rights Reserved.
Another tree that seems attractive to spring migrants is the Red Maple. The colorful dangling fruit often warrants a foraging run by passing migrants.

Blackburnian Warbler male, spring migrant, foraging for insects in new growth Red Maple samaras East Rocks Park, New Haven, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# DSC8672 All Rights Reserved.
Red Maples come to life in the spring green wave, first the red flowers pop then the fruit appears as samaras or double winged seeds, also known as spinners or helicopters. The clusters of emerging leaves and fruit host a feast of small insects including scale, aphids, beetles, loopers or inchworms.

Black-and-White Warbler, male, spring migrant, foraging for insects in new growth Red Maple samaras East Rocks Park, New Haven, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis#DSC0416 All Rights Reserved.
Addendum: Part 1 Spring Warbler Trees. The Green Wave, Apple Trees Part 3 Spring Warbler Trees, The Green Wave, Willow/Salix sp
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