Posts Tagged ‘Mardi Dickinson’

Episode #066: Pledge to Fledge

Pledge to Fledge three co-founders, Dave Magpiong and sisters Michelle and Danielle Mohilef, talk about the movement to get nonbirders interested in the hobby in this Aug. 12, 2012, BirdCallsRadio archive.

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Pledge To Fledge next on BirdCallsRadio

Pledge to Fledge will be the topic of discussion on the next BirdCallsRadio program. We will feature as guests three co-founders of the movement Dave Magpiong and sisters Danielle and Michelle Mohilef.

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Episode #065: Life Along the Delaware Bay

Niles, Burger & Dey. Life Along the Delaware Bay: Cape May, Gateway to a Million Shorebirds., are the guests on this BirdCallsRadio. Dr. Lawrence Niles, Dr. Joanna Burger, and Dr. Amanda Dey have worked extensively with the birds _ especially shorebirds _ of the Delaware Bay and have written a fascinating and exceedingly informative book about the area and its importance to birds.

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Wayne Petersen

Episode #063: Wayne Petersen

Wayne Petersen, Director, Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Important Bird Area (IBA) program. Wayne discusses the IBA program and what it takes for a property to be considered an IBA. He also talks about seabirds and some of his state’s IBA properties off shore.

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Episode #062: Lloyd Spitalnik

Lloyd Spitalnik, nature photographer.discusses his photo book “Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird & Nature Photography,” as well as nature photography in general, the equipment he uses and how he captures some of his amazing shorebird photos.

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Lloyd Spitalnik next guest on BirdCallsRadio

Lloyd Spitalnik, a well known birder and accomplished photographer, living and working in New York City, talks on his new book “Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird and Nature Photography,” co-authored with his friends Kevin Karlson (The Shorebird Guide) and Scott Elowitz ( will be available at the end of July. Lloyd’s photographs have appeared in Audubon, Natural History, Birder’s World, Wildbird, and Birding (ABA) magazines, as well as in The New York Times and New York Daily News.

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Episode #061: Chuck Westfall

Chuck Westfall, technical advisor for Canon USA. Westfall shares knowledge about Canon’s line of cameras for nature photographers, from beginners to advanced. Here is the archive of the Sunday, July 8, 2012.

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BirdCallsRadio: Jen Brumfield

Jen Brumfield, Illustrator and naturalist talk to BIrdCallsRadio about being a bird illustrator, getting children out in nature, birding in northern Ohio, and other topics, such as “extreme birding.” Also discussed during the show are Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, offering fresh water for birds and waders.

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