Yellow-throated Warbler, A Southern Overshoot

Yellow-throated Warbler, spring migrant, male, Mondo Pond, Milford, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# D7F3727 All rights Reserved.
Another early spring Warbler to keep an eye out for is the Yellow-throated Warbler. This warbler generally breeds south of us and commonly winters in southern portions of the Gulf Coast States. In Southern New England the Yellow-throated Warbler is occasionally found early in the migration season. It is considered uncommon and is likely an overshoot. When a young bird heads north on their first year, enthusiasm for the first migration sometimes takes them further north of it’s birthing ground. Experienced breeders generally return to their previous breeding spot. In the grand scheme of things, these overshoots likely explain how a species expands it’s range. All it takes is suitable habitat and enough of them make the same mistake.

Yellow-throated Warbler, male, foraging, spring migrant, Magee Marsh S.P., Oak Harbor, OH. ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis#7316559 All Rights Reserved.
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