Win the book: "Gifts of the Crow"

Gifts of the Crow

Gifts of the Crow book cover

You have a chance to win the book “Gifts of the Crow: How Perception, Emotion, and Thought Allow Smart Birds to Behave Like Humans,” by John Marzluff and Tony Angell. The book was featured on last week’s BirdCallsRadio program. Give it a listen here if you missed it.

Here’s how to win the book:

Answer this question “ What parts of the crow brain aid with memory and emotion? “

The answer will be revealed during tomorrow’s live BirdCallsRadio show. That’s the Sunday, June 17, show.

Listen to the show, send me the answer via “contact me” above by Wednesday, June 20, and a winner will be picked at random.

Remember to listen to the show for the answer.

As always, thank’s for your support of BirdCallsRadio.

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