BCR 118: Hob Osterlund, Holy Moli

Hob Osterlund is the founder of Kauai Albatross Network and author Holy Moli, Albatross and Other Ancestors. Photo taken by the ©Jeanine Meyers All Rights Reserved. Photo may not be used without written permission. Please respect the wishes of the Photographer.
Hob Osterlund is the founder of Kauai Albatross Network, a third year Safina Center Fellow, and author of the book Holy Moli, Albatross and Other Ancestors; now in its third printing by Oregon State University Press. She is an award-winning writer and photographer, who live’s on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.
Show Notes:
- Martha Warren Beckwith dream in 1979 that changed your life.
- Kingdom of Bhutan
- Practicing nurse for years, why is humor important for healing
- Life cycle including courtship, nesting, ocean wandering Moli.
- Ratio 29,000 birds per person and your visit to Midway.
- Missile range and egg adopters.
- Current threats to nesting Albatrosses on Kauai?
- Kauai Albatross Network.
- It was Kaluahine’s daughter Kaloakulua who put on the show, tell us about the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s live ” TrossCam” and the lessons she taught the world.
- Hawaiian mythology drips from the pages of Holy Moli.
- Albatross Cure Effect.
Special Thank You goes out to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Macaulay Library for their generous support to BirdCallsRadio in this show for the use of the audio recording of the Laysan Albatross, Phoebastria immutabilis recorded on Midway Islands and contributed to Cornell by Chandler S. Robbins.
Mentioned In Episode:
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Albatross Cam
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Loved this! I have Hob’s book and I follow Cornell’s live laysan albatross cam. Thank you for this program and thanks to Hob for all her work with these beautiful birds.
Hi Darlene, Thank you for your kind comment on BirdCallsRadio’s website. We love hearing from our loyal listens and want to give you a great experience to quality, educational and informative guests. Glad your connected up with Hob’s work as well as the Cornell albatross cam as this work is so important. I look forward to visiting the Laysan Albatross in Kauai as it on my bucket list that continues to get longer. Cheers, Mardi Dickinson