BCR 178: Julie Zickefoose, Saving Jemima


Julie Zickefoose lives and works quietly on an 80-acre wildlife sanctuary in the back country of Whipple, Ohio. She is a prolific writer and painter and Contributing Editor to Bird Watcher’s Digest. Among her other books are Natural Gardening for Birds, Letters from Eden,The Bluebird Effect, andBaby Birds: An Artist Looks Into the Nest are joined by Saving Jemima: Life and Love With a Hard-Luck Jay, the intimate story of how an orphaned bird can save a soul.

Listen in for a chance to win a copy of her newest book Saving Jemima: Life and Love With a Hard-Luck Jay in this episode!

Show Notes: 

  • Blue Jay egg, but it did not end there. Incubation attempt in 2016, what you hoped raising a young bird?
  • Raising a wild bird is not advised for a variety of good reasons.
  • In 2017 you were flat out with book tours and lectures and feeling in a creative funk.
  • Facebook got you your Blue Jay.
  • How did the very young jay get it’s name Jemima?
  • Fledging is a significant growth step.
  • What is imprinting and how did this effect Jemima?
  • Young bird as a housemate, what routines developed.
  • Letting the bird go, but Jemima really did not go.
  • enchanted with Jemima’s socialization.
  • Jemima fame spread.
  • Who was Peg and what revelations on jays unfolded from your association?
  • Blue Jay migration and Jem, what did you learn?

NOTE: Thanks to Julie Zickefoose for the use of her paintings and photographs in this post are solely used for this specific BirdCallsRadio™ & Podcast episode BCR 178: Julie Zickefoose, “Saving Jemima Life and Love with a Hard-Luck Jay” and this article only. Courtsey of ©Julie Zickefoose, All Rights Reserved. Paintings and Photos may not be used in any form without written permission. Please respect the wishes of ©Julie Zickefoose.

Mentioned In Episode:

Purchase Book at Redstart Birding Click link here ➨ Saving Jemima: Life and Love With a Hard-Luck Jay.

Julie Zickefoose Website 

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  1. Barb Bayliff on September 10, 2019 at 7:40 pm

    I loved picturing jemima playing with Liam and Phoebe, exercising, learning to fly up, learning how to be the best jay ever. Also, loved her naming ceremony! Today is my daughter’s birthday, she would love this book!

    Barb Bayliff

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