Luke Tiller to join Bird Calls radio program on Saturday
Join me tomorrow (Saturday, Sept. 3) for the Bird Calls radio live program 3-4pm.
We’ll discuss the hurricane and any birds that may have paid us a visit because of the high winds. Joe Warren of Wild Birds Unlimited in Darien, CT, and Bedford Hills, NY, will join the discussion.
We’ll also chat with guest Luke Tiller, a native of England who now lives in Fairfield County and birdwatches extensively. He will discuss birds in general as well as the Greenwich Hawk Watch Festival, which he directs. The Festival is coming up in early October.

Luke Tiller ©Bob Marcot All Rights Reserved.
Here is Luke’s bio from his blog Under Clear Skies (
“Originally from Croydon, England (home of Kate Moss, The Damned and very little else), I spent many years in the murder capitals of London before I transplanted myself to Wilton Connecticut in 2003.
“I have always had a passing interest in nature, although my last time back in the UK my dad did remind me that most birding trips as a child ended with me begging him to go home again after just a short time. I must say that I didn’t really carry my interest into my formative years where music, art and other things seemed to be more important in life, although I do remember being the only one amongst my friends that would be at least able to recognize some birds as we spent lazy days at the Glastonbury Festival or other trips getting back to nature.
“After moving to the states I found my interest in birds reignited whilst whiling away the days awaiting my work permit. Being suddenly surrounded by wildlife again in Wilton Connecticut I decided to rig up a few feeders in the yard and was rapidly impressed by the numbers and diversity of birds attracted. The real defining moment for my burgeoning interest though was when a group of Cedar Waxwings descended upon the garden that first March in Connecticut – what beautiful birds – I was well and truly sold.
“Since then my interest has developed rapidly. I was lucky enough to be employed for Connecticut Audubon in their travel department and continue to work in natural history travel with Sunrise Birding. In 2008 I was honored to be invited to join the Connecticut Ornithological Association Board and in 2009 I became the official hawkwatcher for Quaker Ridge in Greenwich.
“My passion for birding is really all about getting out there, discovering birds and sharing them with other people. So my job as tour leader is perfect in that allows me to combine my love of birding with meeting up with interesting people and sharing some great moments outdoors sharing our passion for our feathered friends.”
Be sure to check out Bird Calls every Saturday from 3 to 4 p.m. on WSTC/WNLK AM1400/1350 (in S. CT and nearby NY) or from anywhere in the world (where there’s Internet access, that is.) Thanks for checking in.