Palm Warbler Early Spring Arrival

Palm Warbler, Western form, spring migrant, foraging in forest opening along Lake Erie, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio. ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# CD7F3744 All rights Reserved.
The Palm Warbler winters in the South, the Bahamas, Caribbean and Yucatan. This hardy warbler comes in two flavors, the drab brownish Western Palm and the bright yellowish Yellow Palm both with a distinctive Rufous cap. Headed to the far North boreal forest clearing or bogs to breed. It is seen on migration feeding near or on the ground constantly bobbing it’s tail. Not as dependent on a full spring leaf out, it is one the first warblers encountered by birders out in the early spring. Listen for the distinctive and repetitious zhe-zhe-zhe call.

Palm Warbler, Yellow form, spring migrant, foraging in forest opening, Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Oak Harbor, Ohio. ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# CD7F3744 All rights Reserved.
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