Spring Warbler Trees. The Green Wave, Apple Trees

Ovenbird (warbler), spring, calling on territory from Apple Tree, River Road, Kent, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis#D7F3244 All Rights Reserved.
When spring migrant birding, I have noticed that some trees seem to attract more spring warblers than others. When I find such an association I hang around to see what else an attractive food source might bring in. The enclosed photos show several encounters that I witnessed with the Apple Tree’s expression of the green wave.

Magnolia Warbler, spring, territorial male, foraging in Apple Tree, River Road, Kent, CT ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis#D7F5012 All Rights Reserved.
Apple tree blossoms are either pink or white and they bloom in early May in Ohio and New England. After the winter freeze, when the weather warms, the leaves appear a few weeks before the flowers. Various insects are attracted to the profusion of growth including aphids. mites, beetles, leafrollers, leaf miners, codling moths, plant and stink bugs. The developing green wave feast in turn attracts neotropic migrants, right in time, to fuel their journey on to breeding grounds.

Cape May Warbler, female, spring migrant foraging for nectar in Apple Blossoms, Magee Marsh S.P., Oak Harbor, OH ©Townsend P. Dickinson Lis# J2O0399. All Rights Reserved.
BirdCallsRadio additional information:
Addendum: Part 2 Spring Warbler Trees. The Green Wave, Red Maples Part 3 Spring Warbler Trees, The Green Wave, Willow/Salix sp
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