What's your favorite nature story involving your father? Drop me a line
Do you have a favorite nature story involving your father? Was your father instrumentral in getting you interesting in nature? Any funny stories about your father in the natural world?
Drop me a line and tell me the story. I’ll read some of the stories on air this Sunday (Father’s Day) during a special live edition of BirdCallsRadio. (I’ll only reveal first names and hometowns.)
It promises to be a fun show, but I need your help. Tell me your story (funny, witty, sentimental, informative, or otherwise) by clicking here.
There are many, but you might like this one: See pg 81 of http://www.aba.org/thecoolestbird.pdf for the story. My dad still tags along with some of the biologists who monitor the Black Swift nests we found at that site.