Western Warbler Wander

Mardi Dickinson, Host of BirdCallsRadio™ on location in The Warbler Wagon. Rustler Park Road above Cave Creek Canyon, Portal, AZ. ©Townsend P Dickinson-Kymry Group™ All Rights Reserved.
It’s that time of year again. We considered that if one is going to experience the joys of spring migration, we needed to start early and get to the places where they can be found. As we have seen many of neotropical wood warblers that frequent the United States, we elected to go for the ones that still eluded us.
We audaciously set out for Arizona to locate some of the MIA warblers and to do BCR field interviews and guest planning along the way. A road trip seemed to be the best way and The Jeep was christened “The Warbler Wagon” for the excursion. We drove through 13 states in three days to get to the sky islands of S. E. Arizona which was our starting point; next was the Edwards Plateau of Texas, the Rio Grande Valley, Texas Coast; Kentucky and onto Ohio for the Biggest Week.
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